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Friday, September 27, 2013

Christmas Weight Loss Tips - Diet and Exercise Secrets That Will Have You Losing Weight This Holiday

I am going to share Christmas weight loss tips that allow you to enjoy all your favorite foods, save time and actually speed up your fat loss. It is easy when you learn the diet and exercise secrets that fat loss gurus have known for years. If you can spare just a couple of minutes right now to read this article you can discover how to lose weight this season while everyone else is gaining.

Christmas Weight Loss Tips

1. Cut your exercise time and boost your intensity. What if I told you a Harvard study proved that the key to burning more fat was to add intensity, not time to your workout? Well, it is true and it is not only Harvard that backs up this fact.

This holiday season put away your long, steady-paced workout on the treadmill and replace it with a 20 minute workout that varies intensity with short burst of maximum effort followed by short burst of rest and you will keep your fat burning metabolism elevated all day long.

2. Balance low calorie weeks with a high calorie day on the weekend. I am going to show you why it is not only acceptable to take a day off your diet during the week, it is a MUST.

When you attempt to keep your calories low week after week two things happen. First you feel deprived and second you slam the brakes on your metabolism making it harder to lose fat. To keep your metabolism peaked you must learn how to add regularly scheduled "cheat days" to your dieting week and this could not work better during the holiday.

Simply diet for the week leading up to your Christmas party and then take that day off and recharge your metabolism. Any water retention you get from this big day will easily be washed away by your higher metabolism.

Use these Christmas weight loss tips to make it through the holidays easily and you will be ahead of the game come January.

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